Frédéric Dopagne publishes a book on countermeasures taken by international organisations

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Frédéric Dopagne publishes a book on countermeasures taken by international organisations

Brussels – July 2010: Countermeasures are acts intrinsically contrary to international law, whose illegality is nevertheless precluded as they constitute a reaction to a previous wrongful act. Like States, international organisations resort to this kind of sanctions, against both member States and non-member States.

Brussels – July, 2010: Countermeasures are acts intrinsically contrary to international law, whose illegality is nevertheless precluded as they constitute a reaction to a previous wrongful act. Like States, international organisations resort to this kind of sanctions, against both member States and non-member States.

Frédéric Dopagne’s book is the first comprehensive study on this topic. In the light of the contemporary practice (United Nations, specialized agencies, European Union, etc.), various legal issues are analyzed in-depth: amongst others, the question of the standing of international organisations to take countermeasures to respond to a breach of a fundamental obligation protecting the general interest of the international community, and the question whether statutory sanctions provided for in the rules of the organisation amount to a “self-contained regime”.

The author also comments on the relevant Draft Articles on the responsibility of international organisations, as adopted in 1st reading by the International Law Commission.

Les contre-mesures des organisations internationales, Paris-LGDJ, Bruxelles-Anthemis, 2010, 488 p.  –